Saturday, February 23, 2013

No pandas at the zoo

Happy Monday,
Yes, it`s monday. No change in the schedule this week. Yes, I would like a picture of this puzzle of the plan of salvation. It is the most difficult lesson for me to teach, and it might help to have a cool visual aid.
We continue to have a lot of fun here in La Rioja. On tuesday we went to the zoo and we saw all the animals, but they didn`t have any pandas. If you don`t know, pandas have been my favorite animal for about four months. Anyway, this zoo is on a hill, and afterwards we took a bus to the top of the hill, where there is a statue of a virgin. We took photos of the virgin and of the view, and wouldn`t you know it, Santiago is a heck of a lot bigger than I thought it was. But that was a lot, and I mean a lot, of fun.
It`s starting to cool down a little bit here, heading into fall. Today, I just completed 10 whole months in the mission. Wow. And now the time is going to go a lot faster. We have a baptism planned for this sunday. I am waiting to send a lot of photos at the same time, so you`ll get some of the sun, some of the zoo, and some that are just random.
We also have changes this next week. I`m hoping to stay, because we have another baptism planned for march 3, so here`s hoping. Thanks for all of the prayers and support. Oh, I recieved the package from Mrs. Hairston. It is delicious.

Ta Ta for Now,
Elder Hjelm

Earthquakes are common?!

Just so you know, down here anything less than 7 on the richter scale is called a temblor, or a tremble. They`re quite common around here. Anything bigger than 7.0 is an earthquake, or terremoto. Nothing happened on sunday because of the temblor. Yesterday in district class we reviewed emergency procedure, and I am preparing a bag for emergencies. Oh yeah, they changed our P-day this week because yesterday we had our regular interviews with president Essig.
This past week was really fun, and we worked really hard. It`s still really hot here, and it will be for another month or so. It should start to cool down in april. Today we are going to Cerro san cristobal, or the hill of st christopher, to do fun things and take pictures. I forgot my converter for my memory card, so I can`t send photos today, but next week I should have some good ones.
In my next package I would also like a pack of sharpies of assorted colors (they`re very useful those sharpies). And if you could send me by email a picture and description of the plan of salvation puzzle that mom used for sharing time a month or two ago, that would be great. I love you all, and I miss you.

All is well,
Elder Hjelm

New camera - now we want pictures!

Yes, I bought a camera, and I used my card to buy it. I don`t know how the fees work with that. The camera is a samsung ST-77, and it was only $140. It has a lot of cool functions and other things, and it can record in HD. I got it on sale because it`s the 2012 model. And I love it. I`ll send some pictures next week.
Yes, I am safe. The sectors here are super calm. In fact, my sector is so calm, that there were sisters here before. Yes, I am safe.
WOO - HOO!!! GO RAVENS!!! Do you at least have the score?
No, I have not yet recieved my package from Mrs. Hairston.
Yes, Leavitt emailed me about his mission call - super cool. But he hasn`t written me since.
In my package, the preach my gospel needs to be in spanish, not english. I would like photos - yes, more photos. Also, athletic socks, like the ones at costco. Candy, sweets, and things are up to your judgment. Also, if you can, one of those dvd holders that can hold like 40 dvds. Not one of the double wide ones, but one that is single wide, and is of good quality. I need one for the dvds that we show to investigators.
Yesterday was super cool, because we have been working with a less active family to baptize their nine year old son. So far, the father, the daughter, the two sons, and even the grandmother have all gone to church at least once, but the mother no. And yesterday, she came to church!!! And she stayed for the full three hours. Finally, after two and a half months!
I love you, and I miss you. i`ll send pictures next week.

Elder Hjelm

Blessings of a child in the mission field!

It`s almost february?
Wow. This month has gone by really fast. It was more than a month ago, but it feels like yesterday, that I could talk with you, and now there`s only four months until the next call. It sounds like you had fun in Vegas - I know that you are all such party animals. It`s hard to believe that with Jonah home alone, the house did`nt burst into flames or something. Hmmm. More blessings of having a child in the mission field. My companion and I have been working hard to find new people to teach, and we have been blessed with a nice harvest after working through a drought for two months. But Things are going well. We have zone conference this week, so be watching for pictures on the mission blog. We didn`t get permission to go to downtown this week, so We will try again for next week. I promise I won`t buy anything too expensive - I have a camera in mind that another elder showed me that he bought here that is pretty cool. I also plan on buying a smaller backpack. The shoulder bag that I had when I got here ripped my back and shoulders to shreds, and a big backpack loaded with stuff does the same thing. I`m thinking that a smaller backpack with less stuff would help.
One thing that would be really cool to have if you could send me one is the new preach my gospel minibook, which is preach my gospel but one forth of the size. If you could slip one in my next package or order one on internet (only $4.00 - I checked), that would be super cool. Now for football. I have chosen the Baltimore Ravens to win the superbowl, mainly because I don`t like the forty-niners. Oh, and one question - who won the world series? I neglected to ask that. Anyway, I love you, miss you, and can`t wait to hear from you again next week.

Remember who loves you,
Elder Hjelm

just as long, but not as painful...

Hello, Hello, Hello,
Well, this past week, I completed nine months in the mission. Here, we call it giving birth - just as long, but not as painful. Anyway, the time is flying. It`s already 2013 people! Only fifteen months to go. And they announced that this next change will only be four weeks, to put our changes on the same schedule with the rest of the area. Therefore, I will now be coming home either two weeks earlier, or four weeks later. If you have any questions, you can ask me when we talk again in four months. I was thinking about not telling you all about this and returning secretly two weeks early to suprise you all, but where`s the traditional missionary homecoming in that?
Anyway, things are going well. We are finding people to teach, and having fun. I love you, and miss you.

Elder Hjelm