Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hola, familia! Huh?

Hola, familia! Como estan? Estoy muy emocionado que yo tenga la oportunidad de hablar con ustedes ahora (I'm very excited that I have the opportunity to talk with you all now.) The mtc is pretty good so far. I can't really complain. I'm not really surprised about the M's losing, but the fact that dad finished the Feller project is pretty good. My clothes are working out pretty well so far - I've learned some new tie knots that look pretty snazzy. I have no Idea when I fly out yet. They give us our travel info ten days in advance, and I still have three more weeks. My spanish is improving. I'm starting to do more things in spanish on a daily basis. I can read and usnderstand most of the scriptures in spanish, and My mind is starting to switch back and forth between spanish and english. I spend a lot of time in a class room, reading, studying, and learning. Lately, I've been playing soccer during gym time (defense of course) and have actually done rather well. This past week, we had Ronald A. Rasband of the Presidency of the Seventy speak to us. It's ridiculous how many missionaries are here right now - we're up to 2,000 now, and more are coming. Tomorrow I get to be a host for the incoming elders, which should be fun. Thanks for all your love and support. please keep me informed about what's going on in the world - they don't tell us much.
With love,
Elder Hjelm

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Soccer, baptism and cross bearing protesters....just another week at the MTC

Hey family, what's happening? I finally got your package yesterday - the jerky is really yummy, and It's nice to have something else to do during my down time - you know, the five minutes that I have a day. It's nice to hear that my painting ability helped Phase II to win an award. I guess my cleaning ability also helped, since I cleaned the place the day before the photo shoot. But hey, what can I say? I bet Dad did a great job accepting the award. I expect Jonah to kick butt tomorrow night. Old testament is hard, but he can do it. Isaac almost has his bear badge already? Dang, he's growing up too fast. I miss the father son campout and the fun times we had there. And honestly, I miss helping out at the carnival. It was always such a great challenge. Please have Isaac take some dance lessons - I can imagine the moves he had at his party. What is the Mariner's record now? Are they doing better than last year? They don't tell us much here. We have had some cross-bearing protestors outside the MTC during our temple walks on sundays. I guess some people don't have anything better to do than to tear down other people's faith. The food is still good, and we have started playing soccer every other day for Gym - you know me, I have to have something to run after, like a ball or a frisbee. Our investigators are doing okay. One won't get baptized because his family doesn't want him to even meet with us, and we had to explain to the other one that her baptism was technically invalid in her church, and she needs to baptized in the same way that Christ was. That was a very touchy subject. But she understands now. This past week we have had L. Tom Perry of the Twelve speak to us about the priesthood, and the President of the Provo temple talk to us about the temple. It's really weird, because I feel like I'm at an extended EFY, but It's going for two years.
I miss you all so much, and I will leave you with the Words of Lloyd D Newell from music and the spoken word:
"Peace be with you, this day, and always."
Elder Hjelm

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Missionary Life

Hola, familia! MTC life is great so far. I can't really complain. I keep busy all the time, mainly because my every minute is planned out for me. Today we are going to the temple and doing a session, and then having dinner, and then a devotional. Last week, we had D Todd Christofferson speak to us. This morning, I got a Haircut, because my hair was in that stage where it was both too long and too short to do anything with. It's pretty short now, but it feels a lot better. I'm glad to hear that MoProm went well - it was always really fun. I'm starting to learn what it is to be a missionary. Our three investigators are always somewhere in my mind. I'm learning how to study, and I am getting a lot more out of the scriptures. I'm starting to rely on the spirit, and to work with my companion better. We got some new missionaries on wednesday, so we are no longer the new ones. Oh, they offered me the chance to go to the intermediate spanish class with the intermediate distrct. I turned it down, mainly because it didn't feel right. but now I have to challenge myself more. It's hard to believe that four weeks have gone by already, and there's only 100 more to go, or in other words, 702 more days. but I think I can make it. In fact, I know i can. I miss you very much, and You are in my prayers. Oh, Happy Belated Mother's Day.
Keep me updated,
Elder Hjelm

Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Pday!

Elder Hjelm & Elder Linares

He looks pretty happy :)

These two pictures are of the whole district.  They were pretty excited for
their first pday and  to get to go to the Provo Temple.

The latest from the MTC

Hey family,
How's it going? I'm disappointed in you though - I specifically asked for information on the draft, and I have nothing, lol. But that's alright. If you could include my rubik's cube in your next package, that would be great. I need something to do in the 20 minutes I have to myself everyday. I would like my memory card back, but I do have another one. I wasn't like, sick sick, but I was all congested and had a runny nose and I couldn't sleep. By the way, my companion runs. I play basketball. I'm not very good (in fact, I'm terrible), but that's alright. I miss everyone quite a bit, but you are all in my prayers. I miss watching Jacob on sundays - that was always alot of fun. We had a "get together" in our room last night for the four elders in our district who are leaving for the MTC in Guatemala. It was about as crazy as you can get at the MTC without breaking the rules. It's so weird here, because your every minute is planned out, from the moment you wake up to the minute the lights are off. It's also driving my crazy having to be with a companion 24/7. I won't be able to call on Mother's day, but I will when we leave for the field. By the Way, works. send me anything.
Someone in Provo loves you,
Elder Hjelm

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Life at the MTC is good...

hey family! How's it going? I'm doing laundry right now, and they have comuters in the laundry room. I am learning more spanish and we recently switched teachers. Our investigator, Guadalupe, agreed to be baptized. Later that same day, we found out that she was our other teacher. But still, I now know that I can communicate in spanish.
Life here in the MTC is actually pretty good. They have good food, my body has finally adjusted to Utah time, and I can play basketball almost everyday. In fact, last week I sunk the winning three point shot. But the coolest thing about the MTC is the spirit that is here. Everybody is here for the same reason, and they all work hard to keep up with that. Another cool thing about the MTC are the devotionals that we have every tuesday. Last tuesday we Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the twelve here to speak. He spoke the 9 basic points of doctrine of the church. Sunday we had Robert Swenson, director of missionary service speak to us. Also, we get to go to the temple once a week. the provo temple is cool, but not as cool as seattle.
It's still really weird being with a companion 24/7. Elder Linares is a fitness freak, and I'm, well, not. But he's cool. Another companionship in our district is Elder Crossley from Roy, Utah, and Elder Smith from Indiana. Elder Crossley is kind of like me, If I enjoyed running. Elder Smith reminds me of Jonah in a way. They are both really committed elders who work hard.
I really miss you all, and I can't until next week to hear from you all again. Oh, and what is the matter with you people? The draft was last week, and no one has told me what happened! Please keep me informed about what's going on in the real world. You can write me a letter everyday on Please do. I Love you all and I can hardly wait another 716 days to see you again.
Someone in Provo Loves you,
Elder Hjelm