Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hooray! He's alive (and well)!

Hola familia!
Its really great to hear from you all. My P-Day is tueday, so I had to go a whole week without talking to any of you. I was really unsure at first about what was going to happen, but like Dad said, the best thing to do is to get to work, so I did. I'm starting to pick up more spanish, or rather, the spanish that I learned has started to come back. I'm even able to help my companion with the language. Elder linares is from Crestview, Florida, and is a really cool elder. We make a really good team, because he went out with the missionaries like everyday for eight months before he came out, but he can't speak the language very well. I on the other hand can speak more of the language, but can't teach very well, so we complement each other very nicely. On the third day we already had an investigator - Guadalupe. I thought it was hard to teach in english, but it's ten times harder to teach in spanish. But we have been able to put something together in spanish, and the spirit has guided us as we taught, so Its progressing well.
The food here is great - but still not as good as mom's. I actually work out here in either one of the gyms. During sacrament meeting on sunday, it was so quiet that you could hear the cups hit the bottom of the tray - that was really weird. But Sunday night we had a devotional - Bro. Stephen B Allen spoke to us. He's the managing director of the church missionary department. His talk was really cool and made me want to be a better missionary.
Later today we get to go to the temple, and then tonight we have another devotional. I've met up with Lance from the Camp H presidency and with some other people I know. Oh, and david Archuleta left two days before I got here, so no, I did not meet him. Please give my apologies to aunt Kathleen. I miss you all a lot, and I almost can't wait another 724 days to see you all again. I love you so much, and I Know that I am doing the lord's work here.
Elder Hjelm

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hey Folks! Elder Hjelm here. I just got set apart about an hour ago, so you can now officially call me "Elder Hjelm". My mother has decided to run this blog to inform all of you about my mission and how the work is progressing in Chile. My weekly letters home will be posted here, as well as my current address. Speaking of my current address, it is:

Elder Austin Bryan Hjelm
MTC Mailbox #274
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
And my current E-Mail address is: austin.hjelm@myldsmail.net. I will try to answer your notes to the best of my ability. Thank you all for your love and support.

          Elder Hjelm